Rotary Club of Cochrane
The Rotary Club of Cochrane is a member of Rotary International. Rotary International is the world's first service Club organization, with more than 1.2 million Rotarians in 35,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide.
Rotarians are leaders from all continents, cultures, and occupations who work to tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, locally and globally. We are united by common values and vision for the future as we focus on specific projects that will reach communities most in need. We adopt the motto Service Above Self.
Our club was founded in 1991. We have a long, proud tradition of service and fellowship.
Our strategic plan
The purpose of this plan is to provide a direction for the work we do as a Club. It is intended to be aligned with the goals and objectives of Rotary International, District 5360, and most importantly, Cochrane Rotarians. It defines our objectives, priorities, and actions we will take to achieve our interests. The plan should be reviewed annually, and the club’s achievements during each Rotary year should be evaluated by the Board to ensure alignment with the plan.
Our vision
The Rotary club of Cochrane will be the local Service Club of choice for community leaders of diverse backgrounds with high ethical standards and a sincere interest in making a difference in the lives of others. The individual skills, talents, abilities and special training of our members will be leveraged in two main areas:
- Activities in our community that promote fun, fellowship and engagement towards a common cause that adds value and builds community spirit, and
- Projects of a local and international nature with emphasis on youth support and development and the six Areas of Focus1 as defined by Rotary International.
Our mission
Our mission as Cochrane Rotarians is to achieve the missions of Rotary International and of our District (5360) leadership. The objectives of Rotary International, a worldwide association of Rotary Clubs, and of our Club, are to:
Provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
We have adopted, as our unique contribution, this mission: To serve and to lead through local and international projects that enrich lives and brighten the future for all.
Our core values
We use the Four-Way Test to guide our actions both inside and outside of Rotary. Our Core Values help define our conduct and serve as principles for our objectives, plans and priorities – they are as follows:
SERVICE – “Service Above Self” is the most basic element and is the foundation for joining Rotary.
DIVERSITY – we are more than just the sum of our membership numbers. Our members form a wide array of backgrounds, perspectives and opinions that all help to achieve our common goals.
INTEGRITY – means doing what is right even though it may be costly, difficult or frustrating.
FELLOWSHIP – achieving our Goals is accomplished through friendship, camaraderie and a welcoming spirit.
LEADERSHIP – not just the Executive team – we are all leaders and must set the example for others in our words and actions.
Our key goals
Considering the over-arching Vision Statement, the specific goals for each Avenue of Service are defined below.
CLUB SERVICE and Membership Development
- To increase member participation towards the active running of the club by creating and nurturing a culture of democratic decision making, open dialogue and shared learning.
- To make Club Meetings more interactive and focus on the development, discussion and action of Club goals.
- To ensure that every club function has an active committee or working group to promote involvement.
- To enhance opportunities for fellowship through volunteering together.
- To create events (such as a 'Cochrane Women in Rotary' event) to promote a more equitable representation of genders in the Club.
- To involve the Club in a local 'Signature Project'.
- To promote initiatives with the community of Morley and indigenous peoples in general with a view to strengthening relationships.
- Opportunities will exist for the Club and its members to be more involved at the street level of the community.
- To strive to obtain at least $50,000.00 in funding per year from BowRivers Edge Campground Society for the Club.
- To continue to raise fund for the Club through the Monumental Tournament of Aces.
- To engage in multiple community fundraisers that increase awareness about local issues and increase the profile of Rotary.
- To promote and maintain healthy relationships with the schools and school boards that support our Youth Programming.
- To continue to support the yearly long term exchange student, inbound as well as outbound.
- To get our local youth involved in the Club community service and international projects.
- To ensure that the Club is involved in at least one project per Rotary year.
- To ensure that Club members are informed about and engaged in and participate in International Projects, which may include projects that span multiple Rotary years.
- To make sure Members are educated about what makes an effective and sustainable international project.
- To ensure that 100% of Club members contribute to The Rotary Foundation every year.
- To educate the public about the impact of The Rotary Foundation.
- To inform Club members on an ongoing basis throughout the Rotary year about the importance of The Rotary Foundation and the work it does.